Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thinking of a friend

I know that it has been a ridiculous amount of time since I have been on here, but times have been very busy (classic excuse). However, I need a place to stop and think/write right now. Life seems to fly past and there are days that you can't remember what you did the week before. Now, I'm learning that life is precious and it is so important to stop and hug the ones you love most.

Last week I learned that a dear friend of mine is going through a time that many of us could never even fathom experiencing. My roommate from college and her husband learned their 2 year old son has Stage 4 sarcoma (terminal cancer) and was given weeks to live. There are no words to describe this situation and there are no words to say that sound "right". The only thing that feels right are the tears that I have every time I think of them, their son, and their entire family. My heart is breaking and I pray for a miracle for them. I also pray for peace for their family.

Please remember their family in your prayers. Hold everyone you love close because life is so precious.
