Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Post---Finally!

Here we go! First blog post...

Too bad we tried to start this blog back in February, but all of the preparing for Dublyn, work, school, etc. got in the way of actually posting something. So, now that we think we may have a few spare minutes in the day, we are going to start this blog!

We wanted to have a place to share pictures of Dublyn as she grows and changes. Also, we hope that this blog will help us keep family and friends in the loop as to what we are up to in Ohio.

Mindy, Brad, and Dublyn

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dublyn Johanna Alt

The time has come! Dublyn Johanna Alt, our beautiful little girl was born on Friday, May 29th at 10:02 am. We have shared many photos of our new family so please enjoy. We will spare the details of actual event until we can see and talk with you.